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专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:50
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:50
オナタリングEX 記念すべく第50作品目は!!オナタリング06、14で大人気のイケメンバスケ部シンゴ君が超久しぶりの登場です!!
The 50th work of Onataring EX is the first appearance of Shingo-kun, the handsome basketball player who was very popular in Onataring No.06 and No.14.
Onataling EX是第50部作品,是在Onatalingu No.06和No.14中非常受欢迎的英俊的篮球运动员Shingo-kun在很长一段时间内的首次亮相。
Since then, he introduced us to his clubmate Shun, a very popular big-cocked handsome guy who is Onataring No. 11, and his junior, the erotic body Kazuto, Onataring No. 49, but it has been a very long time since his own appearance, Shingo.
前回は初アナルに挑戦してもらいましたが、あれからしばらく振りなので今回はオイルマッサージからアナル開発をしちゃう企画♪ 部活帰りに久しぶりに遊びに来てくれたシンゴ君、やっぱりイケメン♪長い脚に綺麗に締まった艶めかしいカラダ…。
Last time we had Shingo try anal sex for the first time, but it's been a while since then, so this time we plan to start with an oil massage and then develop his anus. Shingo, who came to see us after a long absence from club activities, is a handsome guy after all. He has long legs and a beautifully tight and shiny body.
上次她第一次尝试了肛交,但已经过了一段时间了,所以这次计划是先用油按摩,然后再进行肛门开发。 在参加完俱乐部活动回家的路上,Shingo过了很久才来拜访我们,他毕竟是个帅哥。 他有一双长腿和一个漂亮的紧致而有光泽的身体。
First, he gives me my first oil massage and makes me crawl on all fours. Shingo-kun's anus, after all, is superb. Not a single hair on it, and it is slightly pink.
首先,她接受了第一次精油按摩,并被要求四肢着地爬行。 真吾君的肛门,毕竟是极好的。 上面没有一根毛,而且略带粉红色。
She unwinds her ass and slowly inserts a finger. After a long time, a foreign object enters his anus, and he says, "Ahhhhh! Shingo-kun writhes while shaking his ass. But he is starting to react in some way.
她松开了屁股,慢慢地插入一根手指。 过了很久,一个异物进入了肛门,"啊!!!" 真吾君一边摇晃着屁股一边蠕动。 但他开始有了某种反应。
恥ずかしがりながら手で隠すもビンビンに…笑 そんなシンゴ君の反応を確認した変態スタッフは手を緩めることなく次から次へとアナル開発へ!!
He was so shy that he hid it with his hand! The perverted staff, having confirmed Shingo's reaction, began to develop his anus one after the other, without letting up.
真吾很害羞,用手遮住了,但还是很硬! 确认了真吾反应的变态工作人员并没有放松他们的手,继续一个接一个地进行肛门开发。
So what will happen to Shingo-kun this time?
*The main model wears a mask in this film as well.