专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:36
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:36
这一次,这个男孩是一个刚毕业的大学生,只有一只眼睛。 他有很好的风格和非常新鲜的个性。
This time the boy is a fresh college student with a single eye. He has a great style and a very refreshing personality.
首先,现在是提问时间。 一天中最高的射精次数是8次! 他是一个英俊的人,在许多方面都出类拔萃。 当他脱下衣服进行身体检查时,他那发达的腹肌和经过运动训练的下半身是很有情趣的!他是一个很好的例子。
First, it's question time. The highest number of ejaculations in a day is 8! He is a handsome guy who is out of the ordinary in many ways. When he undressed for the body check, his well-developed abdominal muscles and athletically-trained lower body were erotic!
这次我们有变态的工作人员最喜欢的全身紧身衣,适合如此顽皮的身体。 '换上这个!' 当我们把它们递给她时,她确实笑了。 她很快就换上了它。
This time, we have prepared the perverted staff's favorite full-body tights that fit such a naughty body. Change into these!" I handed them to her, and she laughed. She quickly changes into it.
她穿着紧身的紧身衣,使她的胯部看起来很饱满,大腿绷得很紧,很有情调。 首先,她被一个电动按摩器隔着紧身衣进行刺激。 她迫不及待地想感受一下这块布的光滑度。
The tight-fitting tights make her crotch look full, and her thighs are taut and erotic. First, she was stimulated with an electric massage machine through her tights. She can't wait to feel the smoothness of the cloth.
她在脱掉紧身衣的同时,也在折磨着她那看起来很敏感的乳头,而且是大号的!她的乳头也很敏感。 巨大厚度、长度和体积的阴茎被暴露出来。 现在的大学生都是大人物吗?
She takes off her tights while also torturing her sensitive-looking nipples, and big! The penis, thick, long and voluptuous, was exposed. Are all college students these days big?
The perverted staff, unable to resist the sight of the heavy penis jiggling and feeling all over the place, managed to coax her into giving him a thick blow job.
她甚至在第一次被男人口交后就感觉到了这一点。 最后,他用'润滑油',在撒*时射出了他的精子,而他的粗壮的腿也被射了出来!
She even feels it when she gets her first blowjob from a guy. At the end, she uses "lube" and shoots her sperm while peeing her thick legs!
Thanks for your hard work, handsome guy, who got to do whatever he wanted with the perverted staff until the end.
The main model wears a mask in this film as well.