专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:26
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:26
他戴着面具的样子是在浪费时间。 他似乎很受欢迎,但他忙于俱乐部活动,目前似乎没有女朋友,所以他整天手淫,以释放他压抑的性欲。
This time it's a 180 cm tall, 65 kg weight, age 21 years old, a manly lacrosse team boy with great style.
His masked appearance is a waste of time. He seems to be popular, but he is busy with club activities and doesn't seem to have a girlfriend at the moment, so he spends his days masturbating to release his pent up sexual desire.
今回もまずは赤裸々インタビュー^^♪ かなり際どい質問にも恥ずかしがるコトもなく明るく答える姿がまさに体育会男子^^ 今回もエロDVDを観ながらシコシコ、色んなオナホでジュポジュポ、してもらうはずが…。
这一次,我们也是从采访开始的。他毫不吝啬地回答最冒昧的问题,是一个真正的体操运动员。 这一次,他也应该看一个调皮的DVD,并使用各种自慰孔,但是......。
We started with an interview. He was not shy to answer the most sensitive questions, and his cheerful answers were just like those of a gymnast. This time, too, he was supposed to watch a naughty DVD and use a variety of masturbation holes, but...
She plays with his penis over his jeans while watching the DVD, even in his pants, and when he takes off his bulging pants, he has an erotic penis!
交替玩弄阴茎的根部和尖端。 有时漏出的悲伤声音很性感。
She alternately plays with the root and the tip of the penis. The sad voice that sometimes leaks out is sexy.
しばらくシコシコを楽しんでもらったのでオナホを渡そうとした瞬間!! 「あっ、」え〜!! !! 白く濃い精子が溢れちゃってる!! 我慢しても止まらない精子…。
我让他享受了一段时间的自慰,在我准备把自慰孔递给他的时候,诶!!!! !!! 浓稠的白色精液溢出来了! 即使我努力忍耐,精子也不会停止。
I let him enjoy masturbating for a while, and just as I was about to hand him the masturbation hole, he said, "What!!!! !!! The thick white sperm is overflowing! The sperm did not stop even if I tried to hold back.
恥ずかしそうに、バツが悪そうに「すみません、あ、これ、すみません、、」と慌てるイケメン君^^; これはコレでイケメン君が慌てながら謝る姿はめちゃ可愛いんだけど、、もっと色々試して欲しかった笑。
我很抱歉,我很抱歉,我很抱歉。" 对不起,我很抱歉,我很抱歉。 看到这个帅哥慌忙道歉的样子真的很可爱,但我希望他能尝试更多东西。
Embarrassed, I said, "Excuse me, oh, this, excuse me." I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It was cute to see the handsome guy apologizing in a panic, but I wanted him to try more things.
撮影後に聞くといつもはスマホだけど大きな画面でAV観たらめちゃ興奮して高まっちゃって…と苦笑い^^ イケメン君のそんな可愛い素の姿が見れたのでヨシとしましょう^^
在拍摄结束后被问及时,她笑着说:"我通常都在玩手机,但当我在大屏幕上看色情片时,我非常兴奋。 我们能看到这样一个可爱而真实的帅哥形象,是一件好事。
After the shoot, I asked him about it and he laughed and said, "I usually use my phone, but when I watched porn on the big screen, I got really excited. It's a good thing we got to see such a cute and genuine image of a handsome guy.
Let me observe more things, every nook and cranny, next time!
The main model also wears a mask in this film.