专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:18
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:18
这次直男会在'Onataring EX'第9号肛门发展中发展非常受欢迎的超级肌肉运动员。 他穿着西装出现在下班回家的路上。
This time straight boys will be anal development of a very popular super muscular athlete in "Onataring EX" No.9. He appears in a suit on his way home from work.
めちゃくちゃカッコイイ!! 長い脚にプリケツ、肩幅の広い鍛え抜かれたエロボディにスーツの上からでも見惚れちゃいます^^インタビューもそこそこに早速脱がして行きます♪
她太酷了。 她有一双长腿,一个性感的屁股,宽阔的肩膀和一个训练有素的色情身体,即使穿着西装,你也会忍不住欣赏。 她脱下衣服,直接走了。
She is so cool. Her long legs, sexy ass, broad shoulders, and well-trained, erotic body are a sight to behold, even with the suit on. We start the interview by taking her clothes off.
ワイシャツをハダけ見える腹筋は以前にも増してバキバキの6パック!! 大人の色気ムンムンです♪ そのままピチピチのスラックスを脱がして下半身チェック。スラックスの中で蒸れた仮性のエロチンがエロ過ぎます…。
脱掉你的衬衫,你会看到六块腹肌。 她有一种成人的性感。 果然,她脱下裤子,检查自己的下半身。 裤衩里蒸腾的假阴茎太色情了。
Take off your shirt and the abs you see are a six pack. They have the sex appeal of an adult. As it is, she takes off her slacks and checks her lower body. The steaming temporary penis in the slacks is too erotic.
少しの刺激で反応しちゃうエロリーマンのガチガチに勃起したデカマラをジュボジュボ吸いまくりガマン汁を堪能したあとは今回内緒だったアナルを狙います^^「ケツはちょっと無理ですね…」と頑なに断られながらもなんとか交渉成立 笑
在吸吮了对最轻微的刺激都有反应的僵硬勃起的阴茎并享受了阴部的汁液后,她的目标是肛门,这一次她没有告诉任何人。 她顽固地拒绝了,说她不能在屁股上做,但我们还是设法谈成了交易。
After sucking his stiffly erect penis, which responded to the slightest stimulation, and enjoying his pussy juice, he went for the anus, which he had not told us about this time. She stubbornly refused, saying, "I can't do her ass," but we managed to negotiate a deal.
ゆっくりと指から..優しく慣らし中がトロトロしてきたらオモチャでグリグリ♪ 切ない声を上げながら身悶えるイケメンリーマンがエロ過ぎます^^!
The fingers are used slowly and gently, and when the inside is relaxed, a toy is used. The handsome man writhing with a sad voice is too erotic.
她在龟头上受到折磨,她的屁股被挑逗,滴下甘加汁液。 最后,他在忍耐极限的尖叫声中射出了一阵阵的水花。
She is tortured on the glans with her ass teased and dripping cum juice. At the end, she is at the end of her patience and ejaculates a spray of cum repeatedly while raising her voice.
ヒクつくデロチンをお掃除フェラして今日のミッション完了です^^♪ 次回はイケメンリーマンの本能剥きだしセックスを見てみたいなぁ〜♪
I'm going to give him a cleaning blowjob on his penis after ejaculation and today's mission is complete. Next time I'd like to see a handsome lehman bare his instincts and have sex.